personal data
Walter Max (Meir)
Parents: Salomon Walter and Klara née Brander
Spouse: Rosalie née Ochsenmann
Children: Edith and Fanny
Bachgasse 5/Hartmannstraße 19/Ludwigstraße 17a (each previous count)
April 1936 emigrated to Palestine
Max Walter was born in Nuremberg on March 25, 1879 as the son of the merchant Salomon Walter and his wife Klara, née Brander. He became a merchant just like his father. After his marriage to Rosalie, née Ochsenmann in February 1905, he moved to Lower Franconian Poppenlauer, the hometown of his wife. There, their two daughters Edith (*1906) and Fanny (*1911) were born. During World War I, Max Walter was deployed in France as a soldier in the infantry and the communications department.
In May 1922, the family went to Bad Kissingen and lived there at various addresses. At the beginning, Max ran a wholesale firm for eggs and butter in Weidgasse 1. In the 1930s, the family lived in Ludwigstrasse (estate of Otto Goldstein) where they also ran their grocery shop. Max Walter also committed himself in his religious community and in the whole of society. He was a member of the Israelite Charity Organisation, the Cultural Community as well as in the Reich Association of Jewish Frontline Soldiers.
When the situation for Jewish citizens became increasingly more difficult in the Nazi Era, the Walter family emigrated to Palestine. In September 1935, their daughter Edith was the first one to arrive in Jerusalem. In April of the following year, his parents also left Bad Kissingen and emigrated to Jerusalem.Her daughter Fanny, now married, also lived in the neighborhood with her family.
Max Walter, who called himself In Israel Meir, died in March 1954, shortly before his 75th birthday. He was buried - like the entire family - in the Pardes Hana cemetery in the Sharon Plain.
Stadtarchiv Bad Kissingen, Meldekarte und Familienbogen Walter Max
StAW, LRA 6814, Kripo Bad Kissingen, Änderungen in der Judenkartei, Meldung vom 01.07.1936
StAW, LRA 6814, Verzeichnis der in Bad Kissingen lebenden Juden, 26.07.1935
Datenbank Ancestry, Kriegsstammrollen aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg
Informationen Daniel Stern, Mails v. 14.1.2023, v. 18.03.2023
Photo credits
© Daniel Stern (Urenkel)