personal data

Lonnerstädter Salomon

First Name
Salomon (Salem)
Date of Birth
Place of birth
Other family members

Parents: Salomon Lonnerstädter and Babette née Adler
Siblings: Rosa, Chaja, Dina m. Ehrenreich and seven further children
Souse: Rosa née Hommel
Children: Siegfried, Miriam m. Engel


Theresienstraße 9/11 (today's count)

Student of Kissingen Realschule - merchant

before 1939 emigrated to Palestine

Date of death
ca. 1951
Place of death
Tel Aviv


Salomon (Salem) Lonnerstädter lived in Bad Kissingen for only a short time as a student of Bad Kissingen Realschule.

He was born in Veitshöchheim on August 30, 1868 as the youngest child of the merchant Salomon Lonnerstädter and his wife Babette, née Adler. Only few months after his birth, his father died. 

In October 1879, Salomon entered Bad Kissingen Realschule and attended the first two classes. During that time, he lived with his sister Dina who was nearly 20 years older than him and was married to the Teacher and Cantor of the Jewish Community Lazarus Ehrenreich. They ran a kosher restaurant that they expanded to one of the most renowned Jewish hotels in the spa town. Why Salomon Lonnerstädter left Kissingen Realschule in 1881 and where he continued his education, is not known. The familial ties with Bad Kissingen were still kept up.

In 1903, Salomon moved to Würzburg like his mother and took over the general agency of an insurance company. Between 1906 and 1909, he was a partner in the firm “L. Blumenthal”, a wholesale business for technical articles. After that he was registered as a “producer of cement” and “colour dealer”. In 1913/14, he worked as a fire insurance agent and finally ran an agency for “goods without storage”. In 1905, Salomon had married Rosa Hommel from Würzburg. In 1906 or 1907, their daughter Miriam was born, in 1910 their son Siegfried. In April 1914, Salomon Lonnerstädter moved to Frankfort, some months later, his wife Rosa followed with their 4-year-old son. There the traces of the family get lost. The last entry for Salem Lonnerstädter in the Frankfort Directory is from 1934. Their daughter Miriam had already emigrated to Palestine in 1932.

According to his great-granddaughter, Salomon Lonnerstädter managed to emigrate to Palestine before 1939. He first lived in Jerusalem, in his later years in an Old People’s Home in Tel Aviv where he died about 1951. His two children survived. His daughter Miriam married Nathan Engel and lived in Jerusalem. His son Siegfried probably lived in the United States (Info by Miriam Kreisel, whose father was a nephew of Salomon Lonnerstädter). Miriam Engel’s descendants now live in Israel (Info by Miriam Kreisel, mail from February 2, 2020).

Family photo of the Ehrenreich relatives from 1921/22, on the far right Salomon Lonnerstädter, in front of him his wife Rosa née Hommel. In the second row from the front sits daughter Miriam on the far right and fourth from the right in the same row is son Siegfried


Schülerakte Jack-Steinberger-Gymnasium
Biographische Datenbank Jüdisches Unterfrankenexterner Link
Datenbank Ancestryexterner Link
Information Karen Heußner, Kulturamt Jüdisches Kulturmuseum Veitshöchheim, Mail vom 23.08.2018
Informationen Miriam Kreisel, Mail vom 27.09.2019
Informationen Miriam Kreisel, Mail vom 02.02.2020

Photo credits

© Miriam Kreisel
