- "protective custody" against Jewish citizens
- house searches
- agitation against emigrated Jews in Nazi press
- “swimming pool affair” (ban for Jewish spa guests)
- nightly acts of terrorism against Jewish shops and private citizens
- anti-Semitic rallies of spa guests against “invasion of Jews”
- mounting of anti-Semitic signs
- maltreatment of a Jew by members of SA
- riots on Kissingen Market Place against Jewish merchants
- desecrating of the Jewish Cemetery
AIM: displacement from social life – loss of means of existence – Increase of pressure to emigrate
- Dismissal of non-Jewish domestic workers in Jewish households
- attempted Ostracism of Jewish students
- refusal of concessions for Jewish spa establishments
- marking of Jewish establishments
- restrictions for Jewish spa guests by means of new terms of use:
- Yellow spa cards
- Ban from entering the spa gardens, the spa house, the spa theatre, the medicinal springs, the pump room and gallery
- Marked benches for Jews
AIM: displacement from social life – loss of means of existence – Increase of pressure to emigrate
- Riots of the November Pogrom
- Synagogue set on fire
- Damaging of Jewish spa establishments, businesses and private homes
- Arrest of 28 Jews (14 of whom were deported into Dachau Concentration Camp)
- Humiliation of imprisoned Jews: police leads Jews chained together to the Jewish Cemetery and forces them to dig for “incriminating materials” in vain
- Insults by Kissingen citizens
- complete exclusion of Jewish spa guests
- “Aryanisation” of Jewish businesses
- prohibition of Jewish religious services
AIM: displacement from social life – loss of means of existence – Increase of pressure to emigrate
- Forced relocation of Jews in special “Jews’ Houses”
- Obligation to do underpaid forced labor
- Confiscation of Jewish possessions
- Deportation of 23 Kissingen Jews to Krasnizcyn (April 1942)
- Deportation of the remaining 18 Kissingen Jews into Theresienstadt Concentration Camp (September 1942)
Aim: extermination of the Jewish population - murder of at least.... Bad Kissingen Jews