personal data

Blum Justin

First Name
Date of Birth
Place of birth
Other family members

Parents: Simon Blum and Rikke née Rosenthal
Siblings: Adolf, Max, Frieda m. Löwenstein, Selma m. Stein, Paula m. Prager, Thekla
Spouse: Anne née Bloch


Bachgasse/ Hartmannstraße 1

Student of Bad Kissingen Realschule - merchant

1941 emigriated to Ecuador

Date of death
March 1944
Place of death


Justin Blum was one of the numerous students from the region of Rhön-Grabfeld who attended Kissingen Realschule and lived in Bad Kissingen during that time. He was born in Mellrichstadt on October 25, 1896 as the youngest child of the merchant Simon Blum and his wife Rikke, née Rosenthal and grew up there with his five older brothers and sisters. The family owned a haberdasher’s shop directly at the marketplace there.

46_Geschäft des Vaters Simon Blum am Marktplatz Mellrichstadt
Father Simon Blum's shop on Mellrichstadt market square

Between September 1907 and July 1913, Justin Blum attended Bad Kissingen Realschule and graduated successfully at secondary school level. During that time, he lived in Bachgasse with the Hamburger brothers and sisters and later in Hartmannstrasse.

In February 1929, he married Anne Bloch in Tauberbischofsheim whose uncle had a textile shop at the marketplace there. Supposedly, Justin Blum moved to Tauberbischofsheim already after his marriage, from June 1934, he is officially registered there. He took on the textile shop of Anne’s uncle. In July 1936, he moved to Berlin and one year later, in June 1937, his wife went there, too. According to the registration files of the town of Tauberbischofsheim the two of them were in Anne’s place of birth for several days again in May 1940, before they moved to Berlin- Wedding for good.

From there they both emigrated in October 1941 – only few days before the official ban of leaving the country for Jews by the Nazis – to South America. The dates for Justin Blum’s death are contradictory: The marriage book of Tauberbischofsheim bears a note according to which he died on April 5, 1952 in Benelazar/ Ecuador. But it may be assumed that Justin Blum died as early as March 1944 in Quito, the capital of Ecuador, as an obituary in “Aufbau” dated on March 10, 1944 proves which is also signed by his wife. 

46_TBB Marktplatz 11 Textilgeschäft David Schloss übernommen von Justin Blum
David Schloss textile shop, Tauberbischofsheim marketplace, taken over by Justin Blum


Schülerakte des Jack-Steinberger-Gymnasiums
Alemannia Judaica Tauberbischofsheimexterner Link
Biographische Datenbank Jüdisches Unterfrankenexterner Link
Meldeunterlagen der Stadt Mellrichstadt, Mail Erika Rust , 4.6.2018
Todesanzeige Justin Blumexterner Link
Meldeunterlagen der Stadt Tauberbischofsheim, Mail Andrea Steffan, 30.07.2018
Mitteilung Manfred Hau, Tauberbischofsheim, Mail vom 01.08.2018
Geschäft des Vaters Simon Blum, Alemannia Judaica Mellrichstadtexterner Link
Justin Blums Geschäft in Tauberbischofsheim, Marktplatz 11 (Städtisches Photoarchiv Heer Tauberbischofsheim)

Photo credits

Geschäft des Vaters Simon Blum in Mellrichstadt © Alemannia Judaica Mellrichstadt
Textilgeschäft David Schloss in Tauberbischofsheim © Städtisches Photoarchiv Heer, Tauberbischofsheim
