personal data
Bacharach Cornelia
Parents: Samuel and Amalie Eberhardt née Rosenberger
Siblings: Martha m. Krebs
Spouse: Salomon Bacharach
Children: Ruth Ester und Bernard
Ludwigstraße 3 (today 9)
September 1937 emigrated to the USA
Cornelia (Nelly) Eberhardt was born in Maßbach on October 4, 1900 as the daughter of the grain merchant and baker Samuel Eberhard and his wife Amalie, née Rosenberger.
In May 1923, she moved to Bad Kissingen and lived there – with short intervals – until September 1928. After her marriage with Salomon Hans Bacharach she started to live in Fulda in 1928 (Heinrichstrasse 33). There her daughter Ruth Ester was born on July 21, 1929.
The family could emigrate to the United States in September 1937. In the same year, Cornelia’s parents also succeeded to flee to the US. There Bernard, the second child of the Bacharachs, was born in 1939. Cornelia Bacharach died in New York on October 7, 1990 at the age of 90. Her parents have also been buried there.
Datenbank Genicom
U.S. Social Security Death Index
Der Maßbacher und sein Alpenschnaps, Mainpost, 14.10.2016
Datenbank Ancestry
Juden in Fulda-Bommelblog
Hans-Jürgen Beck, Kissingen war unsere Heimat, Ausgabe April 2017, S. 1165f
Photo credits
Foto © Klaus Bub, Maßbach