personal data
Heimann Karl
Parents: Süßmann Heimann and Therese née Schwed
Siblings: Isaak, David, Markus Magnus, Therese m. Schön, Babette, Meda, Ernestina, Nathan, Hermann, Amalie Malchen m. Kälbermann
Spouse: Amalie (Mali) née Kuhlmann
Children: Martha m. Fischel, Irene m. Sachs
Maxstraße 9 (at the "Hotel Schwed")
Karl (Carl) Heimann was one of the numerous external students who attended Kissingen Realschule and lived in Bad Kissingen during that time.
He was born in Schwanfeld in June 1862 as the son of the horse merchant Süßmann Heimann and grew up together with ten siblings in a family rich in children. His mother Therese had been born in Bad Kissingen in 1830 and came from the long-established Schwed family, whose roots reach back into the 17th century.
When he was 15, Karl Heimann entered Kissingen Realschule in October 1877 but left it again barely a year later. During that time, he lived in Maxstrasse with his uncle David who ran the renowned ‘Hotel Schwed’ there.
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Only little is known about his further life. He married Amalie Kuhlmann from Diespeck in the district of Neustadt/ Aisch and lived in Meiningen with her. There, their two daughters Martha (*1894) and Irene (*1897) were born. Karl Heimann became committed in the Jewish community there. In the middle of the 1920s, he was a member of the Board of the Meiningen Synagogue.
His younger brother Markus Magnus also lived in Meiningen. The two brothers were merchants and ran a trading business for leather goods and shoemaker's supplies in Anton-Ulrich-Strasse. Markus was married to Jette Kuhlmann, a sister of Karl’s wife Amalie. Both of them became victims of the Shoa: Markus Magnus was arrested after the Pogrom Night of 1938 and murdered few days later during his “Schutzhaft” (protective custody) in Buchenwald Concentration Camp. His wife Jette Heimann was deported to Theresienstadt in September 1942. Details of her death are not known; as her date of death January 25, 1943 is stated.
Karl Heimann died in Meiningen on July 7, 1938 at the age of 76; his wife Amalie died two years later in July 1940. Their daughter Martha, m. Fischel, died only few months later in November 1940. There last adress in Meiningen was the "Ghettohaus" in Sachsenstraße. Their daughter Irene, m. Sachs, however, succeeded in escaping to the United States. She died in San Francisco in May 1995 at the age of 97.
Schülerakte des Jack-Steinberger-Gymnasiums
Datenbank Genicom
Alemannia Judaica Meiningen
Datenbank Myheritage, Jewish Holocaust Memorials and Jewish Residents of Germany 1939-1945
Informationen Dr. Iris Helbing-Soudan, Stadtarchiv Meiningen, Mail v. 21.07.2020
Adressbuch Meiningen 1934
Photo credits
© Alemannia Judaica Bad Kissingen