Update Biographies Family Stein (April 2024)

Ernst Wolfgang Stein, Amsterdam, 1995 © USC Shoa Foundation
Among the more than 56,000 interviews with Shoa survivors conducted by the USC Shoa Foundation initiated by Steven Spielberg, there are also two impressive interviews with survivors of the Stein family, who came from Nordheim vor der Rhön and owned several basalt factories in the Rhön. Fritz Stein lived with his family in Schweinfurt. He spent the summer months of 1929, 1930 and 1931 with his wife in Bad Kissingen. The family emigrated to the Netherlands in 1937 and survived the Nazi era partly underground in the Netherlands and partly in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. In their interviews, Ernst Wolfgang Stein and Heinz Thomas Stein, Fritz Stein's two older sons, provide a very personal insight into their family's story of survival. We have translated the interviews and added the biographies of the family members. Here are the updated biographies:

Stein Fritz

Stein Ruth

Stein Ernst Wolfgang